Blessing Israel &
Educating the Church

You are the friends of Israel.

Every Bible handed out to those seeking truth in the Messiah, every moment spent with Holocaust survivors, every bomb shelter donated – is by you. When you donate to The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry—Canada you are making a lasting impact on lives all over the world.

Current Needs

Help launch the next FOI worker whose impact for the Lord knows no bounds!

When you give to the greatest need at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry - Canada, you are demonstrating that you are a true friend of Israel and follower of the Lord.

Support a Worker in Canada

Other Ways to Give

  • Make all cheques payable to The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry—Canada, and indicate on the cheque where you would like your gift applied.

    Examples: Where Most Needed, Digital Media Outreach, Ministry Launch, Designated Field Worker, etc. You can browse through more projects here.

    Send cheques to:
    The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry—Canada
    PO Box 84570, RPO BLOOR WEST Toronto, ON M6S 4Z7 Canada

  • One of our Ministry Services Representatives would love to speak with you. Call us at 1-888-664-2584.

    Office Hours: M-F, 8:30AM - 4:30PM ET

  • To set up pre-authorized monthly debit withdrawals, click here to download the application form. Funds will be automatically debited from your bank account on the 15th of each month (or next business day if 15th falls on a weekend).

    Please email with a scanned copy of your completed form and a void cheque.


Please contact us at 1-888-664-2584 with any additional questions.

  • Giving a gift to The Friends of Israel in memory of a loved one, or to commemorate a special occasion in the life of a friend or family member, is a thoughtful tribute. We will send a special card, with notification of your gift, to the person of your choice.

    This can be done using any of the following methods:

    Send cheques to:
    The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry—Canada

    PO Box 84570, RPO BLOOR WEST Toronto, ON M6S 4Z7

    Be sure to include a note stating that it is a Memorial Gift or an In Honor Of Gift and give the name and address of the person to whom the card should be sent.

    To give by phone, call 888-664-2584.

    This option is not available for online giving.

  • To receive details for stock transfers contact

  • Thank you for your gracious remembrance of The Friends of Israel in your estate planning. You will need the following legal name and address:

    The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry—Canada
    PO Box 84570, RPO BLOOR WEST Toronto, ON M6S 4Z7

  • RR866866684 RR0001

  • Yes. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for any gift over $5.

Stewardship Opportunities

  • Making a Will

    More than 50% of Canadians don’t have a valid will in force. Here’s a good first step in making or updating your will.

  • Charitable Gift Annuity

    A gift annuity is a very popular way for folks 70 and older to receive a lifetime income and tax benefits while providing financially for the Lord’s work.

  • Charitable Loan Agreements

    Charitable Loan Agreements are flexible gift arrangements that provide a lifetime flow of income with standby protection in the event the principal is needed in the future.

  • Donor Advised Fund

    Learn how you can create a type of Personal or Family Foundation that is flexible in term and disbursement, without the legal costs and administrative responsibilities and for as little as an initial donation of $25,000.

We rely on the prayers & sacrificial giving of people like you. Support the worldwide work of The Friends of Israel.